Monday, April 15, 2013


Children will finish working with their Mother's Day project this week. They will also do some free drawing and we will start choosing from their art portfolio their favorite projects for the art exhibit.

  • SCHOOL PICTURES: If you did not order your child’s picture, do not worry! You still have time to do it. You can either pick up the form from Carolina (Receptionist) or access the form through the Monday Memo. Just print and fill out the Order Form and send it to Carolina along with the money.
  • MINUTA FRIDAY: This Friday, April 19 the school will be selling minutas during lunch and after school. Cost: Lps. 25.
  • DPTO Fun Run and Olympic Games -Proceeds to buy TECHNOLOGY for the school. On Saturday morning, April 20, the DPTO will once again host the annual Fun Run for parents and students of all age. This year, it will be even better, as we are beginning the event with an Olympic torch run, followed by the Fun Run, Parent/Student/Teacher competitions (such as basketball,  volleyball, soccer) archery, and Greek games created and hosted by the Grade 5 students. You can either pick up the pledge form from Carolina (Receptionist) or access the form through the Monday Memo. Just print and fill out the Pledge Form, collect the money, and bring both with you to the Fun Run.
  • BINGO returns to Discovery! - Proceeds to buy TECHNOLOGY for the school. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, May 4! Lunch will be sold for all attending families, friends and guests starting at 11:00 a.m. and the grand BIGO will begin at 1:30 p.m. PARENT COLLABORATION IS NEEDED in donating prizes for this event. Please contact Ms. Ivonne Casco or Ms. Nora Sierra if you can help by donating gifts.
  • DISCOVERY ZONE 4 – Our amazing Summer Camp is back, beginning June 9. To enroll your children, you can either pick up the form from Carolina (Receptionist) or access the form through the Monday Memo. Just print and fill out the form and return it to Carolina. Great discounts are available—contact Cristiana Banegas ( for details.
    ENROLLMENT DRIVE:  Last year's Enrollment Drive brought in 14 new students to the school and helped account for the 13% increase in enrollment that we have experienced this year. The Board of Directors has elected to repeat the Enrollment Drive again for the 2013-2014 school year.
    1.      PERIOD OF THE ENROLLMENT DRIVE:  This opportunity is from April 16 until August 31, 2013, and is not retroactive
    2.      CONDITIONS:
    A.    Discovery Parent must personally introduce a potential new student and parents to Ms. Giles at the beginning of the admission process (this must be someone who has not already requested information on admission)
    B.     The school will follow the usual admission process in determining whether the student will be admitted
    C.     The cash benefit will apply only if the new student is actually admitted for the 2013-2014 school year.
    During the enrollment drive period, for each new student that a family introduces to Ms. Giles and who is thereafter admitted after meeting all of our admission requirements, the sponsoring parent or teacher will receive a cash bonus in the amount of 5% of the tuition (not capital fee) that the new student actually pays during the 2013-2014 school year.
    4.      ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS:  All new students are required to meet the admission requirements that are already established. If a student applies and is not admitted, no bonus will be paid.
    5.      ORGANIZATIONS:  This offer applies to individuals who pay their own tuition and does not apply to organizations.
    6.      UNFORESEEN COMPLICATIONS:  The Board reserves the right to discontinue the Enrollment Drive at any time if there are any unforeseen complications for the school.
    **NOTE:   If a class is or becomes full, Discovery School reserves the right to put a new applicant on a waiting list. In that case, the bonus would not be paid unless the child is admitted during the 2013-2014 school year.
    WHY DISCOVERY SCHOOL? -- Talking points for Promoting Discovery School
    COST:     The research shows that when compared with other top schools in Tegucigalpa, Discovery is NOT more expensive. When our one-time capital fee is compared to paying a yearly matricula, and when other fees such as uniforms, gym fees, book fees, etc. that other schools charge are included, Discovery is NOT more expensive.
    NON-PROFIT STATUS:  Discovery is a non-profit school.  The money that our parents pay goes to education.  It is not used for any person’s personal enrichment.  The parents determine all budgets, salaries, and policies.  They are the ones who own the school.  Their children benefit from that investment.
    SECONDARY ACADEMIC PROGRAM:  The academic program in our Middle School and High School are rigorous and college preparatory. Our goal is to prepare students for a variety of options when they graduate. The Advanced Placement (AP) program provides courses that are taught at the university level and in many cases leads to a student earning college credit while still in High School. Our Math, Language Arts, and Spanish programs in the High School are superior.
    UNIQUE EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY:  We believe strongly in the following characteristics that define Discovery School:
      • Small Class Sizes – a maximum of 15-18 students per class. Research has proven that small class sizes benefit students both academically and socially.
      • Inquiry-Based, Experiential, Hands-On Learning – which leads to development of relevant and long-lasting knowledge, as well as involving students directly in their own learning.
      • Focus on the Arts – Our Visual Arts program and our Music Program, including the award-winning Choir, provide our students with a well-rounded appreciation for Fine Arts.
      • Life-Long Skills – We focus on development of Emotional Intelligence, creative problem solving, conflict resolution, public speaking, and tolerance for differing opinions.
      • Parent Involvement – Our parents are our partners. They help shape policy and contribute their ideas, energy, and enthusiasm into the continual evolution and definition of our school.
      • Cultural Diversity – We value the diversity that exists in our school family due to the enrollment of students from over 25 countries, and take every opportunity to celebrate that diversity. 53% of our students are Honduran, and 47% are foreign.
    SELECTIVE ADMISSION POLICY:   We have a well developed admission policy that relies on the following:
    ·         Complete paper work from prior school for at least the last three years
    ·         Personal interview with parents
    ·         Personal interview with student
    ·         Reference check with prior school (may include Head of School, Principal, Teacher, Guidance Counselor)
    ·         Extensive application form
    ·         Unanimous agreement to admit student required by all members of the Admission Committee
    If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Giles (; 9572-0230)